One of the things I absolutely adored as a child is staring at the incredibly intricate and detailed book covers for old hard science fiction novels, and their stunning depictions of what space colonies would look like in the future.…
TechGrid :: Evolution of the Ultimate Home Office
MattD, over at TechGrid, has had his home office shown on web sites far and wide. In fact, it’s likely you recognize the shot above, from the second iteration of his home office, the one that got so much publicity…
Why We Can’t Drink Seawarter
Photo by Stephen Edgar, licensed via Creative Commons Every now and again you stumble on an explainer that walks you through a fundamental question in such great and interesting detail that it’s compelling to read. In this case, it’s all…
7 of The Cheapest Boss Fights in Videogame History
Dorkly is wonderful for many things, especially its old-school video game videos (are they machinima? I suppose so!) but this article has a special place in my heart. Now granted, I’ve fought a number of bosses that didn’t make the…
Site Highlight :: The Magic Make Everything Okay Button
The world getting you down? Heartache? Money trouble? Job stressing you out? Try this button. Submitted without further comment. [ The Magic Button ]
Scientific American :: Finding Good Information on The Internet
(image snapped from Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus) While I knew many people had difficulty understanding and accepting scientific papers as a basis for discussion and argument (mostly because whenever facts contradict opinion, the people on the wrong side…
Anil Dash :: If Your Website’s Full of Assholes, It’s Your Fault
(image above from the fine folks at Penny Arcade, from this comic in 2004. Click to enlarge!) Anil Dash is a prominent blogger and commentator, and while I don’t always agree with his perspectives, this one is interesting. Dash posits…
Great Geeky Posters for Your Office or Living Room
I bookmarked this a while ago partially in order to make it easier to come back to when I wanted something to decorate the walls of my new place, but also because I wanted to be able to share these…
What If Famous Videogame Characters Looked Like Their Voice Actors?
This tidbit from Dorkly will either make you laugh and smile or it’ll completely obliterate your childhood. After all, imagine what Mario, Solid Snake, and Kratos actually look like – or rather, what their voice actors actually look like. If…
Play Ghost in the Shell…with Kinect!
I’m a big fan of Danny Choo and the way he’s managed to let nothing stop him from making his passion his life and career, and one of the things he does regularly is work on a televison show called…