PC Mag took your votes in multiple categories to come up with a definitive list of the most influential products of all time. From mobile devices to gaming to desktops to operating systems, they laid out the candidates and the…
Spinning Gears :: Wrapping Up Apple’s “Back to the Mac” Event
(this brand new image for Spinning Gears columns is courtesy of Narilka, who graciously gave permission to use it!) So Apple’s “Back to the Mac” event just concluded, and if you were a betting person and bet on some substantial…
PC Mag :: 50 Ways to Make the Most of Windows 7
If you’re running Windows 7, you’re probably right about at that stage where you still love the operating system, would never dream of going back to Windows Vista or Windows XP, but you may not be fully aware yet of…
Windows Phone 7 Will Not Have Multitasking, Copy/Paste
Two interesting stories came to light today – first that Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 Series OS won’t support multi-tasking and that Microsoft plans to eliminate it altogether, and second that Windows Phone 7 Series won’t support copy/paste. That’s right, you…
Spinning Gears :: Thoughts on Windows Phone 7
Earlier this week at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, Microsoft took the stage and finally announced a product that people in the mobile space have been waiting for for a long time: Windows Mobile 7, or more appropriately (since…