I already covered this over at my regular haunt Gearlog earlier today, but I can’t resist spreading the word just a little farther because these two announcements from ThinkGeek are just that incredible. The TannenBomb is probably the most evil…
Spinning Gears :: Wrapping Up Apple’s “Back to the Mac” Event
(this brand new image for Spinning Gears columns is courtesy of Narilka, who graciously gave permission to use it!) So Apple’s “Back to the Mac” event just concluded, and if you were a betting person and bet on some substantial…
T-Mobile G2 Android Phone Available to Buyers
The wait is over, G1 owners – the successor to the Android phone that (pretty much) started it all is finally here, and it’s available on T-Mobile: the T-Mobile G2 is out in the wild and available to order. T-Mobile…
Apple Music Event: New iPods, New iTunes, New AppleTV!
As is all but customary in September, Apple hosted a press event this week centered around its consumer music and media lines of products. iPods, iTunes, and the Apple TV were the order of the day today, and we got…
Motorola Unveils the Droid 2, on Verizon Wireless
The original Motorola Droid was an amazing device (full disclosure: I own one and love it, so I’m a little biased) and here we are less than a year later and Motorola has already end-of-lifed the original Motorola Droid and…
Mozilla Unveils Firefox 4 Public Beta
Today’s a big day for Firefox enthusiasts: Mozilla announced the first public beta of Firefox 4, which includes a new, revamped UI, faster rendering engine, enhanced security, and some features that already exist in some of the competition like Chrome…
Hulu Announces Subscription-Based Hulu Plus
The long-predicted subscription offering from Hulu has arrived, and while it’s not the service changer I think we all feared or expected, depending on how the private beta goes, it could define the future direction for the service. It’s called…
Motorola and Verizon Unveil the Droid X
In a press conference today, Motorola and Verizon, along with special guest, Google’s Eric Schmidt, announced the newest member of Verizon’s Droid family, the Droid X – Motorola’s next generation Droid handset, which by the looks of it will be…
Apple Updates the Mac Mini
Apple surprised everyone yesterday and announced a sweeping update to the Mac Mini, one of its most dejected and neglected platforms, adding an SD slot, HDMI ports, an easy-open bottom, and updated graphics and processors to the mini desktop, making…
iPhone 4, Safari 5, and Apple’s WWDC Announcements
Monday was Apple’s World Wide Developer’s Conference (WWDC) and as predicted, Apple unveiled the next generation iPhone, the iPhone 4, at the show. Steve Jobs stood on-stage and acknowledged the leaks and the missing iPhone saga, and sure enough the…