Lifehacker’s ‘Best Keyboard You’ve Ever Typed On’ Reader Roundup

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Similar to Lifehacker’s “Best Mouse You’ve Ever Used” reader roundup, Lifehacker put another question to its readers: “What’s the best keyboard you’ve ever typed on?”

I managed to answer the call this time, firmly voting for the Logitech G15 gaming keyboard, which I still use today. I also tossed in the Saitek Eclipse, which I used to have and love, and the Logitech MX5500, which I use at the office. All of them are keyboards that I absolutely adore, and the Logitech G15 and the Saitek Eclipse II were both included in the roundup.

My girlfriend swears by the Microsoft Natural 4000 because of it’s split-key ergonomic design, and it’s a solid keyboard even if it didn’t make the roundup. What impressed me the most was the inclusion of the IBM Model M, a keyboard that I remember using back in my college computer labs on some pretty old systems, but it was a damned fine and solid keyboard. Just the right amount of give on the keys and a really satisfying noise when you hammered away at it.

See what other keyboards made the list (and check out the comments!) over at Lifehacker below:

[ Lifehacker :: The Best Keyboard You’ve Ever Typed On ]

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