Lifehacker’s ‘Best Mouse You’ve Ever Had’ Reader Roundup

best mice ever

The best part of having a community like the one the fine folks at Lifehacker have is that you can source the crowd for an incredible amount of information. When the Lifehacker editors put out the call for the best mice they’ve ever used, the readers (myself included) answered in droves.

A number of those mice that made the list are ones that I’ve owned or own now. I can lend my voice behind the Logitech G5, MX518, and the MX Revolution; I currently use the MX Revolution at work, and I’ve used the MX 518 and the G5 religiously for gaming. In fact, I used the G5 up until I received a review unit of the Razer Lachesis a few months ago, which I currently use, and while I love the Lachesis, it has its own quirks and issues and I certainly miss my G5. (as an aside, the only issue I had with my G5 is that I had the old version with only one thumb button – Logitech has since fixed this by adding a second thumb button, much like on the MX 518, and it’s making me very tempted to go back and get a new G5)

Some of the other suggestions are very useful as well even though I can’t attest to their value – I had a good friend who used a Wacom tablet like the one described in the article as her exclusive mousing surface for both everyday and design tasks, and I know some people who still love their trackballs, no matter what you tell them and no matter how much you insinuate that 1999 wants its mousing device back.

Head over to see Lifehacker’s reader’s suggestions and see if they jive with your own. What’s your favorite mouse ever? Let us know in our comments or contribute to the discussion at Lifehacker!

[ Lifehacker :: The Best Mouse You’ve Ever Had ]

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