(this brand new image for Spinning Gears columns is courtesy of Narilka, who graciously gave permission to use it!) When story broke a few days ago about researchers in Scotland managed to build a 1,000-core processor, I was amazed. As…
PC Mag :: Build It: A Cheap Gaming Desktop
Yes Virginia, you can still build an affordable gaming computer that can play most of the best recent titles available, and PC Mag can show you how. Don’t get me wrong – there are lots of configurations you could choose,…
BBC :: The One Ronnie – My BlackBerry Isn’t Working
Gadget names as fruit? Hilarious parodies of technology problems and the words we use to describe them? Yup, the brits have all of that, and it’s awesome. Check out this preview of a show called The One Ronnie that airs…
Does Kinect Work if You’re GWAR?
I dare not embed the video here, but if you’re planning to pick up Microsoft’s Kinect for the holidays (as we suggested in the 2010 Holiday Gift Guide) you may have had a very very important question that you needed…
Video :: Engadget and Professor Tim Wu Explain Net Neutrality
This is a video that I tend to fall back on when I hear people still – even now – misinformed about net Neutrality. I had a lengthy discussion with friends yesterday in the wake of the FCC’s ruling on…
Rudolph the Normal Reindeer
This happy holiday video over at CollegeHumor is hilarious yes, but it rings true especially for our fellow geeks. Being normal never helped anyone! Happy Holidays!
A Look at the Google Cr-48 Chrome OS Laptop
I haven’t been lucky enough to get my hands on a Google Cr-48 Chrome laptop just yet, but I’m definitely in the pool of willing testers. The laptop may be a bit ahead of its time, judging from most people’s…
Chrome OS Goes Official, Coming Soon
Google announced its long teased Chrome OS this week, complete with an “app store” that will serve up Web apps that will run inside the operating system and a pilot program for people who want to try the new OS…