I adore articles like this: over at PC Mag, there’s a great roundup of some of the best technology you simply can’t get on the market here in the United States, or that you can’t get anywhere. Notably absent from…
Phoenix Wright Facebook Invasion
I found this one – which appears to have been originally posted at Dorkly, thanks to a livejournal post from the author and artist of the hilarious Webcomic, Two Lumps. The text itself pretty much says everything there is to…
SWAT Kats Coming to DVD!
I’m divulging from the traditional tech and gadgetry to share a little fun news from Geek culture – if you’re anywhere near as old as I am (or even older, considering the show’s original run) you’ll remember the SWAT Kats…
Original Apple-1 Sells for $210,000 at Auction
Remember that Apple-1 that was up for auction, the one that was expected to bring as much as $242,000 thanks to its pristine condition and hand-signed note by Steve Jobs himself? Well, the skeptics said that similar Apple-1 units only…