I covered the news over at Gearlog yesterday, but I felt compelled to mention it here too – mostly because I’m a proud owner of a pair of Sennheiser PC 350s, and I adore them. I wouldn’t trade them for…
The Myth of the Apple Bias
SlashGear has an excellent story today about the so-called “Apple bias” in the media, usually bolstered by the notion that Apple has such small market share but the tech media tend to report on their every move without fail. SlashGear’s…
Spinning Gears :: Wrapping Up Apple’s “Back to the Mac” Event
(this brand new image for Spinning Gears columns is courtesy of Narilka, who graciously gave permission to use it!) So Apple’s “Back to the Mac” event just concluded, and if you were a betting person and bet on some substantial…
Sexy Star Wars Themed Bathing Suits Bring Out Your Inner Geek at the Pool
I already covered this over at Gearlog, but I simply couldn’t resist showing it off again, mostly because the swimsuits are definitely geeky, definitely sexy, and frankly, they’re too good to not show the world in as many places as…
HP Launches Palm Pre 2, WebOS 2.0
HP surprised everyone this week and announced the Palm Pre 2, the first Palm handset after Palm was acquired by HP earlier this year. The Pre 2 comes with beefed up specs, including a faster processor and some other basic…
Everything You Need to Know about the New Windows Phone 7 Phones
This week saw the release of Windows Phone 7, Microsoft’s new mobile operating system, which they hope will remove the horrible taint of Windows Mobile from the collective conciousness and put Microsoft in a position where they can compete with…
10 Things You Didn’t Know about The Empire Strikes Back
Did you know that Yoda’s original name was going to be “Buffy?” Or that Darth Vader originally had a castle? No kidding! These and other some-amazing-others-horrifying tidbits were published in the new book, The Making Of Star Wars: The Empire…
Google to Shut Down 1-800-GOOG-411
Oh Google, say it isn’t so! Google announced on their official blog that the they would be shutting down the 1-800-GOOG-411 service as of November 12, 2010. I know I’m not the only one who’s disappointed, but Google points out…
Spinning Gears :: Libyan Government Shuts down vb.ly Domain, What of Other Foreign-Owned Suffixes?
(this brand new image for Spinning Gears columns is courtesy of Narilka, who graciously gave permission to use it!) I covered this story over at AppScout today, but I think not only does it bear repeating, but it just sparks…